Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Is it a LOVE or LUST????
Its been 3 months and few days,
we start it all when i saw u in a glimmering dress on the stage,
we played the love game,
trying to bring it to the next level,
slow it down,
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Persepsi seorang remaja....
Sekali lagi ilham mengetuk pintu otaku....puisi-puisi dan syair-syair mula melimpahi arus pemikiranku tanpa mengenal erti cukup...apa yang ku fikirkan,kutidaktahu....kotak pemikiranku sentiasa memainkan lagunya dengan pelbagai tajuk.....antara salah satu tajuk yang memberi anjakan paradigma ialah tentang metafora BUMI dengan MANUSIA...segalanya telah diturunkan dengan meta pena ku yang semakin lincah menulis segala titisan mutiara hasil gabungan hati dan pemikiran...
Satu persoalan yang telah membangkitkan semangat inkuiri ku yang sudah lama lenyap...persoalanya,adakah setiap insan di muka bumi ini adalah insan yang baik sebenarnya???apa yang mengubahkan seseorang itu daripada dihanyut oleh dua lautan yang arusnya deras??arusan yang kumaksudkan ialah kebaikan dan kejahatan.....Jika dipandang dari perspektif yang bertemakan MANUSIA ia hanya menguis segala peristiwa-peristiwa yang megemparkan dan boleh dikatakan menderakan bumi yang tercinta ini......Peperangan jerman-russia yang diketuai oleh hitler yang tidak mempunyai walaupun secedok cawan perikemanusiaan....Sifat manusia yang selalu mendahagakan nafsu,wang,jawatan hanya membinasakan diri sendiri bagai mandikan diri dengan bara api.....sebaliknya segala dosa-dosa ini sering dibalas oleh tuhan maha mulia kita dengan memberi pelbagai amaran dengan mendatangkan bencana-bencan seperti tsunami,puting beliung,taufan,banjir kilat.Mengapa manusia tidak sedar lagi???
Kata pemimpin masa lampau kita manusia hanya akan mendengar selepas sesuatu keburukan,kemalangan berlaku.....Persepsi manusia perlu diolah semula demi cahaya yang bakal menyinari anak anak yang bakal menduduki muka bumi ini hidup aman damai .....
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Every time our eyes meet,
Your beauty is my delight
Your beauty knows no height,
Your beauty is in your eyes,
which sunk the deep blue skies,
Your beauty will never fade,
cause you are the best thing that God has made..
Your beauty is like the sun shining in the day,
when i look at you i cant look away
Your beauty is in your smile,
It make a second with you worthwhile
your beauty is in your hair,
Your beauty has none to compare
You are like a tattoo in my heart that cant be erased....
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 4:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My life completely lost all reason,
For which or against to decide.
All lost in a savage, endless tide
In a boat made of hope I sail to tomorrow,
In a winding hurricane made of: light and darkness,
Love and kindness and treachery and sorrow.
There’s a spear, endless, and colossal spear...
Piercing, slashing though my head.
Starting somewhere in heaven, ending somewhere in hell.
Fighting, burning, crying, crashing.
Are the armies within.
In my head they are all thrashing.
On the heaven’s and hell’s whim.
To be light or to be darkness.
A perpetual array.
It’s not merely my choice,
But the choice of the way.
It’s a option of the voice,
It’s a thin line of gray.
Is it a choice forced by fate,
Or a choice to which I myself sway?
But here’s our story anyway….
“Nothing that I do will matter.
As all things will merely shatter!”
All my hopes thus darkness scatter,
As it shoves me a decree.
As it simply wants to win,
And to just take over me.
“Have a purpose, bend the world,
Act out upon your wishes, and ______ will love you a lot”
That’s what light then says to me,
Because it wants to set me free.
Winning slightly over me.
“But this cage of gold so shiny, it will shield you from untrue
And protect you from the odd,
Nothing inside its walls can harm you,
In your own little world!”
Whispers darkness in my ear,
“Only me you should now hear,
And with me you will survive,
And with my help you will strive,
And achieve your paradise,
In illusion’s disguise!
With no hardships and no pain,
Every task you will then tame!”
The light sternly yells at me:
“These are lies as they can be!
If your world is build on lies,
Then yourself you will despise.
And illusion’s paradise,
Will fall down on you.
Crashing, burning, dying, crying are your dreams
And uprooted is your tree!
And no longer will you see
Where to go or what to be!
When you face your final trial, what will the judge say to thee?”
“These are lies and mere dogma,
Based upon the fear of death!”
Darkness then just yells at me:
“You have your right to disagree!
Make a lovely pact with me.
I will offer you salvation,
No more fear or deprivation!
If you would me then just hear,
You have nothing at all to fear.
Since we do not have a soul.
There’s nothing with which to pay a toll!
Sign here, over there.
In the name of pleasure and hope.
In the name of revolution,
Let your path be just a gentle slope!”
It’s arguments are winning over me,
And thus with darkness I agree,
And so I sign the decree,
And with a treacherous and jolly glee
Darkness enshrouding, standing over me
“With the light here once and for all undone
You and I shall become one!”
And so, I enter into the storm of shadows.
As pitch-black as the depths of sea.
Become a mere castaway, amidst the weary crowds.
Consumed by somber, ashen clouds,
With heavens frowning over me.
A storm of ice and fire, dancing all around with a glee.
A ring chrono-storm encapsulating me.
Just like a stove turned up to high degree.
Tearing up roads, buildings, picking up debris.
Into the air it takes me.
My wings have turned to blackened ash
The pacifying, freezing fear taking over
My heart is covered in frost
And all I wished, is to be free…
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 11:49 PM 0 comments