Monday, September 6, 2010
Setiap paluan kompang yang mengiringi ku sudah tiada lagi,yang bersisa hanyalah gendang suram bercahayakan bulan purnama...
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 7:39 AM 0 comments
No more fear.....
Fear no more the heat of the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages,
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages,
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney sweepers come to dust.
Fear no more the frown of the great,
Though art past the tyrant's stroke,
Care no more to clothe and eat,
To thee the reed is as the oak,
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
All follow this, and come to dust.
Fear no more the lightning-flash,
Nor the all-dread thunder-stone,
Fear not slander, censure rash,
Thou hast finished joy and moan,
All lovers young, all lovers must,
Consign to thee, and come to dust...
No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave!
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Jiwa yang kehilangan dibawa oleh tersyang ke bumi tuhan
Takkan hilang mu dari mataku, sentiasa besinaran,bergemerlapan,menyinari hari yang datang lagi, akan jasa jasanya yang mencuit hatiku... Setiap sisi rumahku mengingatkan wajahnya... tidak pernah ku rasa kepiluan,kepedihan sebegini, mungkin aku alpa dalam dunia mengejar kekayaan, kini ku sedari duit bukannya semua... Segala suka dan duka bersamanya menghantui ku ini, jiwa yang dahulu inginkan kesepian membencinya kini, apakan daya nyawa kita di tangan tuhan yang maha esa tuhan yang tidak pernah mengerti keperluan seorang anak yang amat mendahagakan kasih ibu, Kata orang ibu ratu hati, bagiku ibu kau adalah pedoman disisi yang mendayung ku ke arah kejayaan adakah patut tuhan mengambilnya sebelum ku menunjukan nya kejayaan yang akan ku genggam?? setiap belaian yang penuh kasih sayang amat diperlukan oleh ku dari nya... tidak akan ku berganjak dari landasan ku yang tuhan tidak menolong ku... Ku amat mencemburui setiap anak anak di bumi ini pada saat ini... Titisan mataku ini bernilai tinggi bagi setiap anak yang kehilangan si ibu.. Bagilah ku menyebarangi lautan kepiluan ini dengan aman dan tenang, sampai disini sahajalah nukilan insan yang mendahagakan kasih ibu pada masa kini... omelan ini akan ku teruskan pada masa akan datang.... dengan kejayaan yang lebih besar dan dibanggakan oleh masyarakat yang alpa menyedari kasih ibu..... My love is pure, I saw my mum as an angel who took me out to the shore, showing me she is save in the heaven, in the hands of god, Let me go through this for my loved ones, and as i told my mum, i will find an angel to take care of me, and i found her already, but, you arent here to see my angel.... <3>
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Now let the Saint step up and testify,
This is a story of a girl who is extra fly
Who made me cry within my eye,
Who I still love beyond the day I die,
I remember sitting in the park looking at your smile,
Glowing up dark, thinking of the mile thanking lady luck,
Never wanna let your hands go,
Juz wanna let you know,
you are the reason I flow,
Girl, Sitting next to you face to face,
Reminiscing how our love grew base to base,
All those ups and downs and happy days,
How I am blessed by above to be touched by your grace,
Every left has a right; every girl has a knight,
And it’s you that I think about every day and night,
Time passes by but through my rhyme,
U and I will live more than a lifetime.
I’m like a puzzle girl, with you missing a part,
How am I to lead a life, when I’m missing my heart,
Every blink of my eye till my life is true,
Trust me when I say that I truly miss you,
U complete me, u make me whole,
Without you by my side, my world is so cold,
Flowers bloom on the path we walk,
You can go out sense of go, every time you talk,
I walk about like I’m in a fits,
My soul is dry; I wanna feel your lips,
I feel nothing else only pain,
Can’t wait for the day to hold your hands again….
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 2:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
Petualangan TUTTI sentiasa di hati...... Share
TUTTI FRATELLI menjelma di hidupku,
memberi warna indah dalam setiap langkah-langkah ku,
Tidak akan ku lupa,
segala memori memori yang ku telah lalui di setiap TUTTI yang ku melaluii,
manusia biasa merasakan ini hanya sebuah kem,
tetapi di setiap hati insan yang menjiwai bulan sabit merah,
simbol harmoni,
simbol kemanusiaan,
simbol yang memarakkan lagi api kemanusiaan,
TUTTI bagaikan melihat syurga di telapak tangan anda
Hasil titik peluh setiap ajk yang bekerja keras tanpa mengenal erti kepenatan akan melahirkan butiran tangisan mutiara pada hari terakhir kem TUTTI melihat kebangaan,
kemegahan KEM tutti berlangsung
adakalanya ku pernah mecubit diriku sewaktu KEM TUTTI,
tidak percaya dengan apa kulihat...
Slogan dan mesej 1 malaysia yang sering diuar-uarkan di media kulihat hgasilnya di kem tutti...
semangat perpaduan dapat ku merasakan di TUTTi
Takkan ku lupa masakan para Qm yang begitu khusuk dalam memberikan makanan yang terbaik kepada para peserta,
takkan ku lupakan ucapan dan arahan kem komandan yang penuh berkarisma,
takkan ku lupakan Ajk yang melaksanakan setiap aktiviti dengan senyuman di muka,keriangan di hati
Pastinya satu perkara yang akan ku turunkan kepada kulawangsa ku ialah kenangan dan peristiwa TUTTI berbangkit fajar matahari setiap hari di kem dengan tepukan bulan sabit merah,
akan memekarkan suatu keselesaan dan keriangan yang menanti di sekian hari....
tidak ku lupa juga,para ajk sosial yang penuh senyuman,
bersungguh-sungguh bermain sosial dengan peserta
kenangan itu akan ku simpan di setiap bibit mataku supaya tidak ku hilang saat kemmanisan itu,
tiada perkataan yang dapat kutafsirkan tentan KEM TUTTI,
kecantikan proses TUTTi bagai hujan yang menyejukkan lubuk hatiku,
jika anda terasa kehangatan ini,
pastinya anda merupakan anak Bulan sabit merah yang menjiwai TUTTi..
akan kusebut namanya walaupun beribu kali,
keranamu tutti ku bangkit dari kealpaan jiwa yang mendahagakan semangat bulan sabit yang tidak akan hilang dari diri.....
Bibit bibit waktu keemasan TUTTi hanya dapat dirasai sekali setiap tahun,
ukiran puisi di bawah ini hasil karya insan yang masih mentah di kalangan ajk TUTTI yang ingin melihat TUTTI mengambil tempat di setiap hati insan BULAN SABIT MERAH......
akan ku titipkan syair ini dalam diari hati ku supaya tidak hilang kengan TUTTI dari hati....
setiap kenangan yang terukir.
Semuanya masih jelas dalam ingatanku,
bahkan terukir dengan indah di hati.
Tawa dan tangis selalu mewarnai hariku,
namun dari sanalah aku tau apa arti hidup.
Banyak hal berharga yang aku dapat.
Kenangan itu,
Ribut tiba tidak ku duga...
Lautan kasih bergelora...
Bayu laut tidak lagi membisikkan lafaz rindu TUTTI,
Bersinar sama intan dan kaca
Dapat dibezakan dek banyak membaca
Berharga tidaknya sesebuah benda
Manikam dikenal dek Jauhari sahaja,
Tutti inspirasi kemanusiaan,
memukau cahaya cahaya setiap remaja,
menukar persepsi fikiran setiap insan yang melaluinya,
kugiran menghasilkan perahu yang tidak akan karam walau apa jua......
Bersama kita menjadi satu bunga yang bernama TUTTi,
menjadi payung kepada setiap insan yang inginkan teduh an di bawah bulan sabit merah......
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Love tumbles upon the sky
I was a fish in the ocean and
I crossed the shores for you
I was struggled on the land
and returned back to my ocean
One day i smiled, the next day i was frustrated
I buried you without killing you.
Will you forgive me. Will you forgive me
I struggled to walk
I became a rain made of thread
I became an artist because of you
You are the light at a distance..
You draw me towards you
What do i do to the heart that
melts at the thought of you
I'm a wave in the running water (and)
You are the moist within me
I missed the blessing that i got
will you forgive me love
I'm the paper that floats in the air
You made me into a letter
I start and end with love
Until my lifetime ???
One day i smiled, the next day i was frustrated
I buried you without killing you.
Will you forgive me. Will you forgive me
One who doesn't love is possessive about everything;
One who loves would even be willing to part their bones
Why did you come into my life my dear
Will you vanish like a mirage
Night is the time when everyone sleeps
But thats the time for me to wet the pillows with tears
I struggled to walk
I became a rain made of thread
I became an artist because of you,you and just you........
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Anthem Of My Love Story
I jumped up high in the sky , and it broke into pieces,
My feet became a bird,
Flowers bloomed on the tip of my fingers,
My eyebrows slipped down became moustache,
I bathed in the tears of joy,
And all my teeth smiled,
Like an ant ,I walked carrying sugar candy,
Like a leaf I started floating in water,
The moment you expressed your love,
it was the moment I saw God,
and my heart blew like the wind,
Lightning has started to pass through my nerves,
Theres moon glowing brightly inside of my body,
When he rubbed against the moon,I broke into stars.
A seed fell in my heart,
And it has spread its branches all over my head.
I was like an undisturbed pond,
I become dry the moment a beauty jumped into it.
Has the sand turned into sugar???
Or the sea turned into drinking water???
Has the shore been covered with your footprints??
Has the wave been filled with youyr smile???
When papers flew around me,
It turned into a book of poetry.
When the rainbow brushed against me,
Even the crow turned into a peacock…
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Is it a LOVE or LUST????
Its been 3 months and few days,
we start it all when i saw u in a glimmering dress on the stage,
we played the love game,
trying to bring it to the next level,
and then u say not right now,
slow it down,
Now u wink at me and walk away!!!
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Persepsi seorang remaja....
Sekali lagi ilham mengetuk pintu otaku....puisi-puisi dan syair-syair mula melimpahi arus pemikiranku tanpa mengenal erti cukup...apa yang ku fikirkan,kutidaktahu....kotak pemikiranku sentiasa memainkan lagunya dengan pelbagai tajuk.....antara salah satu tajuk yang memberi anjakan paradigma ialah tentang metafora BUMI dengan MANUSIA...segalanya telah diturunkan dengan meta pena ku yang semakin lincah menulis segala titisan mutiara hasil gabungan hati dan pemikiran...
Satu persoalan yang telah membangkitkan semangat inkuiri ku yang sudah lama lenyap...persoalanya,adakah setiap insan di muka bumi ini adalah insan yang baik sebenarnya???apa yang mengubahkan seseorang itu daripada dihanyut oleh dua lautan yang arusnya deras??arusan yang kumaksudkan ialah kebaikan dan kejahatan.....Jika dipandang dari perspektif yang bertemakan MANUSIA ia hanya menguis segala peristiwa-peristiwa yang megemparkan dan boleh dikatakan menderakan bumi yang tercinta ini......Peperangan jerman-russia yang diketuai oleh hitler yang tidak mempunyai walaupun secedok cawan perikemanusiaan....Sifat manusia yang selalu mendahagakan nafsu,wang,jawatan hanya membinasakan diri sendiri bagai mandikan diri dengan bara api.....sebaliknya segala dosa-dosa ini sering dibalas oleh tuhan maha mulia kita dengan memberi pelbagai amaran dengan mendatangkan bencana-bencan seperti tsunami,puting beliung,taufan,banjir kilat.Mengapa manusia tidak sedar lagi???
Kata pemimpin masa lampau kita manusia hanya akan mendengar selepas sesuatu keburukan,kemalangan berlaku.....Persepsi manusia perlu diolah semula demi cahaya yang bakal menyinari anak anak yang bakal menduduki muka bumi ini hidup aman damai .....
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Every time our eyes meet,
Your beauty is my delight
Your beauty knows no height,
Your beauty is in your eyes,
which sunk the deep blue skies,
Your beauty will never fade,
cause you are the best thing that God has made..
Your beauty is like the sun shining in the day,
when i look at you i cant look away
Your beauty is in your smile,
It make a second with you worthwhile
your beauty is in your hair,
Your beauty has none to compare
You are like a tattoo in my heart that cant be erased....
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 4:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My life completely lost all reason,
For which or against to decide.
All lost in a savage, endless tide
In a boat made of hope I sail to tomorrow,
In a winding hurricane made of: light and darkness,
Love and kindness and treachery and sorrow.
There’s a spear, endless, and colossal spear...
Piercing, slashing though my head.
Starting somewhere in heaven, ending somewhere in hell.
Fighting, burning, crying, crashing.
Are the armies within.
In my head they are all thrashing.
On the heaven’s and hell’s whim.
To be light or to be darkness.
A perpetual array.
It’s not merely my choice,
But the choice of the way.
It’s a option of the voice,
It’s a thin line of gray.
Is it a choice forced by fate,
Or a choice to which I myself sway?
But here’s our story anyway….
“Nothing that I do will matter.
As all things will merely shatter!”
All my hopes thus darkness scatter,
As it shoves me a decree.
As it simply wants to win,
And to just take over me.
“Have a purpose, bend the world,
Act out upon your wishes, and ______ will love you a lot”
That’s what light then says to me,
Because it wants to set me free.
Winning slightly over me.
“But this cage of gold so shiny, it will shield you from untrue
And protect you from the odd,
Nothing inside its walls can harm you,
In your own little world!”
Whispers darkness in my ear,
“Only me you should now hear,
And with me you will survive,
And with my help you will strive,
And achieve your paradise,
In illusion’s disguise!
With no hardships and no pain,
Every task you will then tame!”
The light sternly yells at me:
“These are lies as they can be!
If your world is build on lies,
Then yourself you will despise.
And illusion’s paradise,
Will fall down on you.
Crashing, burning, dying, crying are your dreams
And uprooted is your tree!
And no longer will you see
Where to go or what to be!
When you face your final trial, what will the judge say to thee?”
“These are lies and mere dogma,
Based upon the fear of death!”
Darkness then just yells at me:
“You have your right to disagree!
Make a lovely pact with me.
I will offer you salvation,
No more fear or deprivation!
If you would me then just hear,
You have nothing at all to fear.
Since we do not have a soul.
There’s nothing with which to pay a toll!
Sign here, over there.
In the name of pleasure and hope.
In the name of revolution,
Let your path be just a gentle slope!”
It’s arguments are winning over me,
And thus with darkness I agree,
And so I sign the decree,
And with a treacherous and jolly glee
Darkness enshrouding, standing over me
“With the light here once and for all undone
You and I shall become one!”
And so, I enter into the storm of shadows.
As pitch-black as the depths of sea.
Become a mere castaway, amidst the weary crowds.
Consumed by somber, ashen clouds,
With heavens frowning over me.
A storm of ice and fire, dancing all around with a glee.
A ring chrono-storm encapsulating me.
Just like a stove turned up to high degree.
Tearing up roads, buildings, picking up debris.
Into the air it takes me.
My wings have turned to blackened ash
The pacifying, freezing fear taking over
My heart is covered in frost
And all I wished, is to be free…
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Tiada Lagi....
Kita jalin cinta
Bila hati selalu berbeda
Sampai kapan lagi
Aku harus menahan
Rasa kecewa di dalam dada
Seandainya kita masih bersatu
Tak mungkinkan menyatu
Walau masih ada sisa cinta
Biarkan saja berakhir sampai
Di sini
Tiada lagi yang ku harapkan
Tiada lagi yang ku impikan
Biar aku sendiri tanpa diri mu
Tiada lagi kata cintamu
Takkan lagi ku bersama mu
Biar ku simpan semua
Kenangan ku bersamamu
A wonderful song by AMY SEARCH..Truly feeling de song rite now......
Posted by maniraj thangiah at 2:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
2009...MeMoRies Of LifE!!!




2009,Great year with many sad,happy,lonely,heartbroken,excitement,anger,n all de emotions happened and feeled in 09.Its the year where i sat for my SPM.I tried my level best and hope it will make me proud...Tuition was like quarter of my life..ET add maths that i miss it till now!!!Inspiring words by miss Tan really mesmerizing...besides that,maths and bm was also awesome...


School life was hell of greatness...Last year of schooling with the uniforms and the thing that i miss so much is my RC!!!No more bulan sabit member of andalas..The place dat i became someone...Its all 'EX' now...and the yeat i met a wonderful 'GIRL'which i call my wonder all happened so fast...but we just ended up as gud friends as she was still young and we know well dat we gonna meet more people in our life and certainly will change our pathways of our life..Just deep inside my heart i feel she is my wonder woman that really swept me out of my feet..MEMORIES....
My aim was successfully achieved this year asi planned and im really happy and satisfied with myself..I wanted to make my school RC as a famous and great school that people will talk about,and im hppy that i created many leaders to take over my place...All this while i was thinking that im useless....but when i turn back at my journey of secondary school life i realised that i've actually turned 360...from all the aspects..thinking,appearance.communication,people that i socialize with and everything..A guy that scared to even sit at the front of perhimpunan to aguy that can conduct a camp,persenting malaysia in adelegation to japan,capten for my sports house...
I reallised that i've really forgotten my schoolmates,friends,my lovely meimei,and many of them and even many of my favourite things that i love to do...i feel i was jst too concern on being great and tobecome better and better till not giving myself a rest,peace or even atreat for myself...It was always think,think and think,work,work and work...So now,im having a great break for myself...Relaxing myself,doing wat i love to do and following my desires...

Many lessons i've learned throughout my journey of of it was Care about yourself first,before caring about the others...Love comes and goes but frienship doesnt is true,it is pure!!!i really appreciate it!!Thanks to my sweet bestie that always there for me...always lends me a shoulder to let dowwn my emotions..She is one of her kind!!!thats my sweet PAIn PAIN!!!Thanks GOD for sending her as my bestie that really cares for me...YOU are always my bestie till the last breathe of mine in this earth!!!Thank you Sheila!!!
I really missed my year as an EXCO during 2008...and i dont give a damn on what others say about my EXCO,whatever said and done,my exco is my main priority in RC..they are my family!!!A year that we worked as a team and i know we gonna move on in lives but the memories of 08's will still be in our heart...Sir was in phillipines the whole year and only get to see him few times...I really missed him so much as he's my idol who really made me into a better person...


Lastly,the whole year gave me many lessons and a sad love-friendship experience which im overcoming it now...when time pass by,every thing,every jokes,every silly things,every adventure will become a part of our LIFE history that tickles us from time to time...I guess its a really long post that i've guys and girls whoeva reading this,please forgive me if i ever and ever hurt u by my words or act that leaved a scar on you...learning is anever ending adventure,and i wil be learning and improving myself from year to is a small syair that i made specially for year 2009!!!

Mengapa lagi hati berduka
Saat musik alam mengalun indah
Mengapa lagi jiwa menyendiri
Saat pagi lembut datang menjelang
Bukalah jendela hatimu
Dan biarkan harum bumi masuk
Bukalah pintu jiwamu
Dan biarkan rahmat Tuhan bertamu
Sebab hidup bukan hanya duka gulana
Ada bukit hijau, padang rumput, sumber segar
Yang akan melonjak ria saat kau sapa
Tersimpan padanya kerinduan damai
Tetapi bila hujan turun deras
Nikmati suara dan dinginnya pengusir gerah
Segenap ketentraman terhambur darinya
Karena alam tak memendam dendam
Mengapa lagi hati berduka
Biarkan dukamu lelap di waktu lalu
Kita masuki gerbang saat baru
Kita reguk dengan penuh rindu
Karena walau bergegas kita hidup
Waktu sabar menanti walau terbatas
Maka bersihkan diri dari alpa
Dan bangkit bersama fajar baru

Posted by maniraj thangiah at 9:44 AM 0 comments