It was more than four months i didnt even look at my blog..hahaha...Juz kinda busy with school stuffs...sukan,and BSM marching training and the list kept goin on...headache lorr...but now,kinda ok...haizzz...juz wanna stop everything for a moment and start giving 1oo% for my spm...The clock is ticking and every minute is juz reminding me about SPM...
This few months I really had a great time by training my juniors for the marching,attending sports day training,meeting and alot more...rite now Im juz feeling that i should take a break juz for myself and study more than ussual...aiming for 5 a's in mid year sounds hard for me...coz i really not paying attention in my studies,so full stop for all the activities and marathon for studies...
Kraftidioten (2014)
10 years ago